M8 Photoelectric Sensor (Diffuse Reflective)


M8 Photoelectric Sensor (Diffuse Reflective)

The M8 Photoelectric Sensor is another type of photoelectric sensor, smaller than the M18, and also widely used in industrial automation for detecting the presence or absence of objects. Here are the key features and details about the M8 Photoelectric Sensor:

Key Features:

  1. Size and Design:

    • M8 Size: The "M8" refers to the diameter of the sensor housing, which is 8 millimeters.
    • Compact Design: Suitable for applications where space is limited.
  2. Sensing Modes:

    • Through-beam: Consists of separate emitter and receiver units. Objects are detected when they interrupt the light beam between these units.
    • Retro-reflective: Uses a reflector to bounce the light back to the sensor. Objects are detected when they block this reflected light.
    • Diffuse: Detects objects based on the reflection of light directly from the object to the sensor.
  3. Sensing Range:

    • Generally shorter compared to M18 sensors, with ranges from a few centimeters to over a meter, depending on the model and sensing mode.
  4. Output Types:

    • PNP/NPN: These transistor output types are common for compatibility with different control systems.
    • Analog/Digital: Some models might offer analog outputs for distance measurement or position detection.
  5. Environmental Resistance:

    • Designed to withstand industrial environments with protection ratings such as IP67 or higher, ensuring resistance to dust, water, and other contaminants.
  6. Adjustability:

    • Sensitivity and detection range can often be adjusted to suit specific needs.


  • Assembly Lines: Detecting small parts in manufacturing processes.
  • Packaging: Ensuring small items are correctly positioned and counted.
  • Robotics: Presence detection and object avoidance in automated systems.
  • Electronics Manufacturing: Detecting components in electronic assembly lines.


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